Together with Our Local Communities
(Community Involvement /
Development and Social Dialogue)
To coexist with our local communities as a corporate citizen and ensure our sustainable development, at the Nippon Soda Group we proactively participate in community activities, exchange opinions with community stakeholders, and engage in an array of social contribution activities. In addition, through dialogue with local communities, we aim to further our understanding of their needs and values regarding the environment, safety, and health, and put our findings to good use to ensure better business activities.
- Based on the concept of contributing to the sustainable development of society through business activities, promote CSR activities from the viewpoints of contributing to resolving global environmental issues, a harmonious relationship with local communities, and contributing to the development of local communities.
- Develop good relationships with local residents through various activities that meet the needs of local communities and that are designed and implemented by each business site and Group company.
Harmonious Relationship with Local Communities
Contribution to local employment
Nippon Soda contributes to creating local employment opportunities through its worksites throughout Japan.
Furthermore, to ensure healthy work-life balance and enhance job satisfaction, we communicate with labor unions to formulate working conditions in line with current trends. As a result, not only does our standard minimum wage continue to be above the legal minimum wage in all areas we conduct business, we are also contributing to raising income levels in the regions in which we operate.
Comparison of the standard minimum wage to the local minimum wage in the year ended March 2023
Site | Location (Prefecture) |
Local minimum wage (Yen/hr) |
Our Company’s standard minimum wage* (Yen/hr) |
Comparison with the minimum wage (%) |
Head Office | Tokyo | 1,072 | 1,174 | 109.5 |
Odawara Research Center |
Kanagawa | 1,071 | 1,174 | 109.6 |
Chiba Research Center |
Chiba | 984 | 1,176 | 119.6 |
Nihongi Plant | Niigata | 890 | 1,176 | 132.2 |
Takaoka Plant | Toyama | 908 | 1,176 | 129.6 |
Mizushima Plant | Okayama | 892 | 1,176 | 131.9 |
Chiba Plant | Chiba | 984 | 1,176 | 119.6 |
- * Standard minimum wages for the Company were calculated based on the starting salary (same for men and women) for those joining the Company at the age of 18 in the manufacturing and non-manufacturing groups. Wages have been rounded down to the nearest yen.
Participation in local cleaning activities
In order to fulfill our role and responsibility as a corporate citizen, we regularly carry out local cleaning activities around our worksites. We also actively participate in local cleaning activities in tandem with local communities, such as through eco-walks and cleanup campaigns.
Number of community cleanup activities
FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | |
Nihongi Plant | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
Takaoka Plant | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Mizushima Plant | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Chiba Plant & Chiba Research Center | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Odawara Research Center | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Social Dialogue with Local Communities
Communication activities at major worksites
Nippon Soda holds local gatherings and regularly conducts tours of plants and research centers for residents in areas where worksites are located in order to provide information on CSR activities and exchange views and comments.
External communication events at major sites (Frequency)
Site | Local gatherings | Site tours | RC Committee regional dialogue of the Japan Chemical Industry Association |
Other | |
FY 2020 | Nihongi Plant | 26 | 2 | 0 | 16 |
Takaoka Plant | 6 | 25 | 2 | 86 | |
Mizushima Plant | 11 | 0 | 2 | 25 | |
Chiba Plant | 0 | 2 | 0 | 14 | |
Odawara Research Center | 2 | 39 | 0 | 4 | |
Chiba Research Center | 1 | 5 | 0 | 1 | |
FY 2021 | Nihongi Plant | 3 | 2 | 0 | 7 |
Takaoka Plant | 0 | 6 | 0 | 60 | |
Mizushima Plant | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | |
Chiba Plant | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
Odawara Research Center | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
Chiba Research Center | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | |
FY 2022 | Nihongi Plant | 0 | 2 | 0 | 10 |
Takaoka Plant | 0 | 0 | 1 | 74 | |
Mizushima Plant | 0 | 0 | 0 | 19 | |
Chiba Plant | 0 | 0 | 1 | 41 | |
Odawara Research Center | 0 | 4 | 0 | 3 | |
Chiba Research Center | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | |
FY 2023 | Nihongi Plant | 2 | 2 | 0 | 11 |
Takaoka Plant | 5 | 17 | 2 | 101 | |
Mizushima Plant | 0 | 0 | 1 | 20 | |
Chiba Plant | 0 | 0 | 1 | 29 | |
Odawara Research Center | 0 | 15 | 0 | 6 | |
Chiba Research Center | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Dissemination of information on CSR activities
The Nippon Soda Group disseminates information on its CSR activities in the following ways:
Anyone can read about our CSR activities in our Integrated Report as well as in the ESG Data Book on our corporate website. Also, we submit an implementation report and plan to the Japan Chemical Industry Association, and announce the report and plan in dialogue with local communities and other settings. Each of our worksites provides information on our activities through regular tours and other gatherings.
Between FY 2021 and FY 2023, regional social gatherings and numerous other events were cancelled to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Dialogue with local residents
Regular gatherings are held at our worksites to give us an opportunity to hear the opinions of local residents.
External communication
The Nihongi Plant conducts environmental monitoring in cooperation with five residents living near the plant, and the Takaoka Plant does the same with 12 residents in its vicinity. In FY 2023, we were provided with information on three incidents (one of which was unrelated to environmental monitoring), dealt with the situations properly, explained our response to those who provided the information, and gained their understanding.
Major Social Contribution Activities of Nippon Soda
Nippon Soda conducts social contribution activities to build harmonious relationships with local communities and support their development.
Participation in local events
FY 2023 | ||||
Site | Name of local event | Date | Summary | Number of participants |
Nihongi Plant | Satomaru School Councilor Meeting and General Meeting | April 7, 2022 | Satomaru School general meeting | 1 |
Itabashi Neighborhood Association Spring Festival | April 17, 2022 | Shrine ritual | 1 | |
Eco-Walk (Spring) | April 24, 2022 | Litter picking in Nakago Ward | Plant managers and 23 managers | |
Midori no Hane Community Chest | June 2, 2022 | Fundraising by Nakago Junior High School students outside the plant’s main gate | 11 students and 2 guides | |
Nakago Junior High School grade 2 plant tour | July 8, 2022 | Implemented in place of the Dream Challenge (work experience) program | 22 students and 3 guides | |
Itabashi Neighborhood Association Autumn Festival | August 23, 2022 | Shrine ritual | 1 | |
Fujisawa Neighborhood Association Autumn Festival | August 24, 2022 | Shrine ritual | 3 | |
Eco-Walk (Autumn) | October 23, 2022 | Litter picking in Nakago Ward | Plant managers and 19 managers and 2 family members | |
Red Feather Community Chest fundraising | October 27, 2022 | Fundraising by Nakago Elementary School students outside the plant’s main gate | 25 students and 5 guides | |
Nakago Elementary School grade 3 plant tour | November 21, 2022 | Educational tour of local company as part of curriculum | 14 students and 1 guide | |
Nakago Ward New Year celebration | January 7, 2023 | Attended as a guest the new year celebration hosted by the town development association | Plant manager | |
Takaoka Plant | Traffic safety guidance on the street | April 14, 2022 | Traffic safety guidance for plant surroundings and nearby roads | 26 |
Maintenance of environment around the plant | June 17, 2022 | Environmental maintenance for plant surroundings and nearby roads | 195 | |
Traffic safety guidance on the street | September 21, 2022 | Traffic safety guidance for plant surroundings and nearby roads | 25 | |
Maintenance of environment around the plant | October 26, 2022 | Environmental maintenance for plant surroundings and nearby roads | 184 | |
Nisso “Thanking Local Residents” event | Plant tour, chemistry experiments for children, panel displays | Cancelled | ||
Meeting with environmental monitors | November 24, 2022 | Exchange of opinions with environmental monitors | 7 monitors and 5 company employees | |
Meeting with local residents | December 1, 5, 7, and 12, 2022 | Exchange of opinions with local residents | 32 members of neighborhood associations and 20 company employees | |
Mizushima Plant | Shomieku service at Yobimatsu Anraku-in | April 19, 2022 | Participation in Shomieku service | 1 |
Simultaneous cleaning of Takashima Road | May 20, 2022 | Maintenance of environment around Plant II | 18 | |
RC regional discussions in Okayama; First general meeting | February 28, 2023 | Explanation of RC activities at each Company to local residents | 1 | |
Other events cancelled due to impact of COVID-19 | Cancelled | |||
Chiba Plant | Goi Rinkai Festival | Local residents coming together at Ichihara Ryokuchi Park | Cancelled | |
Wakamiya Hachiman Shrine Grand Festival | July 17, 2022 | Wakamiya Hachiman Shrine Grand Festival | 1 | |
Yoro Shrine Summer Grand Festival | Yoro Shrine Summer Grand Festival | Cancelled | ||
Dezu Bon Dance Festival | Dezu-cho Association Bon Dance Festival | Cancelled | ||
Kashi Bon Dance Festival | Kashi-cho Association Bon Dance Festival | Cancelled | ||
Iwasaki Bon Dance Festival | Iwasaki Bon Dance Festival at Ryokuchi Sports Park | Cancelled | ||
Tamasaki Summer Festival | Summer festival at the plaza in front of the Tamasaki Community Building | Cancelled | ||
Matsugashima Summer Festival | Matsugashima Town Council Summer Festival | Cancelled | ||
Kazusa Ichihara Kokufu Festival | Local residents coming together at Kazusa Sarashina Park | Cancelled | ||
Omiya Shrine Autumn Festival | Autumn festival at Omiya Shrine (No participation by Company employees) | |||
Omiya Shrine Saitan Festival | Saitan Festival at Omiya Shrine (No participation by Company employees) | |||
Kashi Fuki Inari Shrine New Year Event | Kashi Fuki Inari Shrine New Year event at Kawagishi Park | Cancelled | ||
Omiya Shrine Setsubun Festival | February 3, 2023 | Mamemaki ritual at Omiya Shrine | 1 | |
14th RC Chiba District Regional Discussion Meeting | Mid-February 2023 | Regional discussion meeting (environmental protection and safety and disaster prevention) | Distributed leaflets to prevent the spread of COVID-19 | |
Iwasaki Inari Shrine Annual Spring Festival | Annual spring festival at Iwasaki Inari Shrine | Cancelled | ||
Kashi Fuki Inari Shrine Festival | Kashi Fuki Inari Shrine festival at Kashi Park | Cancelled | ||
Dezu Town Council Spring Festival | Spring festival at Yakumo Shrine | Cancelled | ||
Omiya Shrine Spring Festival | March 27, 2023 | Spring festival at Omiya Shrine | 1 | |
Volunteer Support Program | June 8, 2022 | Cleanup alongside National Route 16 | 32 | |
September 14, 2022 | 40 | |||
November 9, 2022 | 50 | |||
February 8, 2023 | 50 | |||
Odawara Research Center | CenterLocal community cleanup | June 1, 2022 | Cleanup of roads near Odawara Research Center | 24 |
Local community cleanup | November 9, 2022 | Cleanup of roads near Odawara Research Center | 18 | |
Chiba Research Center | Volunteer Support Program | June 8, 2022 | Cleanup alongside National Route 16 | Included in the number of people reported by the Chiba Plant |
September 14, 2022 | Included in the number of people reported by the Chiba Plant | |||
November 9, 2022 | Included in the number of people reported by the Chiba Plant | |||
February 8, 2023 | Included in the number of people reported by the Chiba Plant |
Each worksite is engaged in a range of activities in line with regional needs, and strives to build sound relationships with their communities.
Traffic safety guidance on the street
(April 14, 2022, Takaoka Plant)
(April 24, 2022, Nihongi Plant)
Simultaneous cleaning of Takashima Road
(May 20, 2022, Mizushima Plant)
Local community cleanup
(June 1, 2022, Odawara Research Center)
Midori no Hane Community Chest
(June 2, 2022, Nihongi Plant)
Environmental maintenance forplant surroundings
(June 17, 2022, Takaoka Plant)
Nakago Junior High School grade 2 plant tour
(July 8, 2022, Nihongi Plant)
Local community cleanup
(September 14, 2022, Chiba Plant & Chiba Research Center)
Environmental maintenance forplant surroundings
(October 26, 2022, Takaoka Plant)
Local community cleanup
(November 9, 2022, Odawara Research Center)
Local community cleanup
(November 9, 2022, Chiba Plant & Chiba Research Center)
Investing in Our Local Communities
With a desire to contribute to sustainable agriculture and regional development alongside our communities, we donated ¥30 million (using the corporate hometown tax system) to the citrus fruit industry and projects tackling issues in the industry in Uwajima City in Ehime Prefecture, one of Japan’s leading citrus-producing regions.
In Uwajima City, the lack of successors among citrus farmers is becoming a serious issue, and so we are working to acquire and develop successors by offering a comprehensive range of support to new farmers from both inside and outside the prefecture, assisting in everything from their training to their independence. Our donations will be used for the creation of development programs at the Mikan School, which was set up by JA Ehime Minami, and in the Uwajima Citrus Farmer Successor Development Project, which is working to improve environments in facilities that are used to train new farmer candidates.
Moreover, as an agrochemical manufacturer, we also offer support for the creation of educational manuals on agrochemical usage methods. Our policy is to continue contributing to the development of our local communities as we aim to build a sustainable society.
Joint press conference on the Uwajima Citrus Farmer Successor Development Project
(Uwajima City Hall, March 24, 2023)
Echigo TOKImeki Railway Train Wrap
In February 2020, Nippon Soda celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Company’s founding. As one of our commemorative projects, in 2016 we teamed up with the Echigo TOKImeki Railway in Niigata Prefecture to decorate trains running along the Myoko-Haneuma Line between Naoetsu Station and Myoko Kogen Station. The trains are wrapped using designs from students at Nakago Junior High School. We will continue activities to develop alongside our regional communities across the next 100 years.
Stakeholder Engagement
We are engaged in stakeholder engagement to deepen our understanding of society’s needs and values through dialogue with our stakeholders, and to promote business activities that meet the expectations of local communities.
Received DBJ Environmentally Rated Loan Program 2019 Highest Rank
In March 2020, Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. received a loan from the Development Bank of Japan under the bank’s DBJ Environmentally Rated Loan Program for our “environmental management systems and initiatives, including our especially progressive approach to environmental awareness,” the highest possible rating (Rank A).
Selected among the brands in the SOMPO Sustainability Index for three consecutive years
Selected as constituent of FTSE Blossom Japan Index and FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index Selected
Shinfuji Kaseiyaku Co., Ltd. acquired Platinum rating in Eco Vadis sustainability survey, and the Best Performer Award in the Asia, Middle East, and Africa SME category at the Sustainability Leadership Awards 2023.
Efforts to prevent occupational accidents
As part of our efforts aimed at stakeholder engagement, our Mizushima Plant underwent an occupational accident prevention survey (diagnosis) by Sompo Risk Management Co., Ltd. (December 15 and 16, 2022)
Diagnosis of disaster prevention capability
Our Chiba Plant and two Group company plants underwent disaster prevention capability diagnoses by Sompo Risk Management Inc. Diagnoses were cancelled in FY 2023 at the Nihongi Plant, the Takaoka Plant, the Odawara Research Center, and the Chiba Research Center to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Signing of and support for economic, environmental and other initiatives, social charters, and principles
Title | Applicable countries | Applicable worksites | Signature date | Voluntary/ Mandatory |
Declaration on the Promotion of Responsible Care Activities | Worldwide | All offices, consolidated subsidiaries | October 30, 1998 | Voluntary |
Declaration on the Promotion of CSR Activities | Worldwide | All offices, consolidated subsidiaries | April 1, 2012 | Voluntary |
Responsible Care Global Charter | Worldwide | All offices, consolidated subsidiaries | December 5, 2014 | Voluntary |
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) | Worldwide | All offices, consolidated subsidiaries | September 16, 2022 | Voluntary |
Membership categories at advocacy organizations and institutions in Japan and abroad
Advocacy institutions | Applicable countries | Membership |
International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) | Worldwide | Participating as a corporate member of JCIA |
Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) | Japan | Corporate member |
Global Product Strategy (GPS) | Worldwide | Participating as a corporate member of JCIA |
Japan Initiative of Product Stewardship (JIPS) | Japan | Participating as a corporate member of JCIA |
Japan Soda Industry Association (JSIA) | Japan | Member |